Write For Us!
Like music? Like cover songs? Like saying stuff? Write for Cover Me! We’re growing our team and, to paraphrase Uncle Sam, we want you! Sure, you may be writing school papers or office briefs already, but are 100,000 people per month reading those? Didn’t think so.
Whether you want to do music news, reviews, interviews, opinion pieces, or something else, there’s a place for you at Cover Me. We divide staff into two categories: Features and News. We can assign topics or you can dream them up yourself. The possibilities are endless (well, almost – they end at “not-covers”).
News: In many ways, news writers are the engine that keeps Cover Me chugging. News posts tend to be short (200-300 words) and, by definition, demand a quick turnaround (usually 24 hours). A breaking-news story tends to be read by more people than a Feature. If you want to get the maximum number of people to read your work and build a wide array of clips, a News writer may be your best bet. Minimum commitment is one post/week.
Features: Our Features staff composes the longer articles, the in-depth pieces that keep people coming back to the site. Features allow a writer to investigate a particular artist, song, or topic in as much depth as needed. This category covers all our recurring features (Five Good Covers, Reviews, Full Albums, etc.) plus random one-offs. To wax lyrical about music new or old at length, Features is where you belong. Minimum commitment is one post every other.
To apply, send an intro paragraph about why you like covers, two writing samples and a resume (if you have one) to writeforus@covermesongs.com. If you would prefer one category over the other, note that. Feel free to email with questions as well.
Don’t want to write? We’re also looking for web designers, business/ad managers, and artists. So if you want to hop aboard the Cover Me train but aren’t so hot with the verbiage, there are lots of ways to get involved. Send a sample of your work and/or a resume to writeforus@covermesongs.com.
PS. Did we mention that we pay writers (at least a little)? We divide up the revenue from our ads and new Patreon among the staff.