The Best Cover Songs of 2010

Like everyone, we’ve been going list-crazy this month. Just last week we gave you our Best Cover Albums of 2010. However, all that has merely been hors d’oeuvres for this, the main course. Cover Me presents…Best Cover Songs of 2010.
See, most music publications and websites feature the Best Albums list above all others. Were we writing about another genre, we likely would too. However, covers are different. In the world of covers, Best Songs means more than Best Albums. As you’ll see over the next five days, most of the year’s best cover songs don’t come off cover albums. Many don’t come off albums at all. Some come from radio shows, some from live performances, and some from ads.
This last source merits special mention. Yes, 2010 was the year that advertisers climbed aboard the cover train. Companies from Levi’s to Dr. Martins commissioned new web covers to promote their wares. Fortune 500-sized budgets gave artists free reign to record their songs exactly as they pleased, with often breathtaking results. We don’t know how many jeans or shoes they sold, but we hope a lot, because we want to see this trend continue.
Ads represent just the latest trend in a cover field getting ever more diverse. Looking over our list, the range of sounds and sources impresses like never before. Read on to see and download our 50 best cover songs of 2010. We’ll be unveiling ten more a day, counting down to the top 10 on Friday. Click below to begin.
Click here to see the Best Cover Songs of 2010.
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