Feb 152017

Welcome to Cover Me Q&A, where we take your questions about cover songs and answer them to the best of our ability.

Mike Pic_

Mike is back in his hometown of Cleveland after many years away. His return was not necessarily the reason the Cavs won the NBA finals, but it hasn’t been ruled out. He’s been writing his essays for Cover Me since 2011, 4 states ago. He still thinks the Counting Crows do a damn fine cover and he loved being part of the crew that got to find the best Bob Dylan covers for Dylan’s 70th birthday.
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Feb 222011

Haven’t gotten enough Radiohead this week, even after the full King of Limbs cover album? Well we have good news for you: Wolf Gang just released their version of Radiohead’s “Pyramid Song.” Wolf Gang is the project of singer and multi-instrumentalist Max McElligott. Hailing from London, he made waves in the blogosphere with last year’s bouncy “Lions in Cages” and is set to release his debut album this summer. Continue reading »