Sep 202011

Last night, Arcade Fire’s The Suburbs took home the Polaris Prize, the coveted award for Canadian album of the year. To be fair, this isn’t quite as big a deal as winning the Grammy. In a more logical world, an album that won Best Overall Album would obviously win Best Canadian Album too. But we live in an age where a woman can win Video of the Year but somehow lose Best Female Video and nothing can be taken for granted. So congrats to Arcade Fire on winning the Polaris! It’s a prestigious accolade to add to what must surely be a growing trophy case in the band’s rec room. Continue reading »

Feb 112011

This Week on Bandcamp rounds up our favorite covers to hit the site in the past seven days.

For no apparent reason that we can figure out, Bandcamp exploded with covers this week. Eyeballing the selection, there seem to be almost three times as many new covers posted as in weeks past. Or maybe artists are just catching on that tagging your track “cover” makes it easy for us to find. Take note!

As a result, our five favorites this week are among our five favorites of this entire series. Granted, it’s only three weeks old. This week, in fact, we had so many contenders we tacked on three bonus covers at the end. Download all eight below. Continue reading »