Nov 282014

Some covers are more equal than others. Good, Better, Best looks at three covers and decides who takes home the gold, the silver, and the bronze.

“This Must Be the Place (Naïve Melody),” which first appeared on their 1983 album Speaking in Tongues (as well as on their incredible 1984 live album / soundtrack Stop Making Sense), is one of the few songs in the Talking Heads catalogue that could be considered a “love song.” In interviews, the band’s singer/lyricist David Byrne says that he made a conscious choice to make it a “real love” song, but sought to avoid making it too corny or simplistic (the “naïve melody” parenthetical shows the kind of self-awareness that made Byrne such a strong and strange creative force). The result is a song that, while lacking any kind of narrative, is brimming with poignant single lines that makes up for an emotional experience.
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Jun 102010

Stephen Colbert once described Kyp Malone’s monster beard as “like a vacation in a faraway forest.” The TV on the Radio guitar player boasts more than an epic facewarmer though, as he demonstrates in a new performance at The Bay Bridged. Not only does he debut new songs “Gun Inside My Head” and “Holy Shit,” he covers the children’s folk tune “Frog Went A-Courtin’.” Now there’s a cheery pairing!
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