Nov 102014

Despite what their name suggests, neither this track nor the musical duo itself points toward a waning musicality. With this cover of “Buried Alive”, originally by Canadian artist Drake, It Only Gets Worse manages to create a sublime, ambient piece that leaves the listener writhing in sweet ecstasy. Continue reading »

Nov 182011

What’s left to say about Lou Reed and Metallica’s universally-derided Lulu? Critics have had a field day tearing this putrid mess apart and fans have been, if anything, even crueler. Metacritic users currently rate the album a 1.9 out of 10, making it the fifth-worst album ever. Consequence of Sound even put together a hilarious collection of critical similes to describe how awful it is (sample: “Listening to Lulu is like watching the Challenger take off”). Continue reading »

Sep 022011

This Week on Bandcamp rounds up our favorite covers to hit the site in the past seven days.

Bad news first: We didn’t find any good covers for this post. We did, however, discover five great covers (and a bunch of mediocre-to-terrible ones). No middle ground this week. So while the average quality of everything we heard was lower than usual, our cherry-picked set may be one of our all-time favorites. Funny how it works like that sometimes. Continue reading »

Apr 082011

Last year Heinali and Matt Finney sent us a dark, ambient “Candidate” cover that instantly leapt into our Best Cover Songs of 2010 list. Now the Ukranian composer (Heinali) and American poet (Finney) return with two more covers, easily fulfilling the potential their Joy Division cover promised. Continue reading »

Nov 292010

You all submit so many great covers it’s hard to keep up. When we fall behind, we gather the best and brightest in a Submission Roundup.

Thanksgiving may be over, but today we want to thank all the artists who submit their music. You guys send too many covers to keep up with, so we like to round up some of our favorites before the tunes fall by the wayside. Download all the great November covers we didn’t get a chance to post about earlier!

Do you have something to submit? Send it along here! Continue reading »