Oct 232013

Another year, another long weekend of sweaty clubs and frantic cab sprints across the east river for CMJ. A few of our past picks have broken out a little bit since we wrote about them – Lord Huron, Widowspeak, Houndmouth – so once again, we’d like to give some small boost to our five favorite bands from CMJ, along with a cover from each.

Well, our five favorite bands who had a cover that is. To the rest of our knockout discoveries (like EULA, Reuben and the Dark, GEMS, Pete Bauer) – hurry up and cover something so we can write about you too!
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Apr 072011

Seven-inch vinyl singles seem to be perfect mediums for cover swapping. So much so, in fact, that cover-trades often get called 7”s even when there’s no actual wax involved. Such is the case with TV Girl/Dirty Gold’s new release. Each building a wave of hype, the two San Diego beach-pop bands swap songs on a new split single. Continue reading »