Jun 082018
anthony bourdain music

Others can offer more on Anthony Bourdain’s massive impact on the worlds of food, or travel, or recovery, or just living life to the fullest. But anyone who followed his work closely knew in additional to all that, he was a music superfan. He adored 1970s punk from his early days working in New York kitchens in particular; he wrote a must-read essay on that thirty years later for SPIN.

So we’re going to pay tribute the only way we know how: With covers of Bourdain’s favorite songs. Which we know from playlists he made over the years for Rolling Stone and KCRW. We hope he would have liked these covers of the soundtrack to his life. Continue reading »

Jun 302010

Song of the Day posts one cool cover every morning. Catch up on past installments here.

If you ever come across a list of the top punk songs ever and find that “Sonic Reducer” is not somewhere in the top twenty, throw that list away. The Dead Boys never achieved the crossover name recognition of the Sex Pistols or Buzzcocks. Was ever the f*ck-my-parents, fight-the-power ethos summed up so poetically as in that final verse:

I’ll be a pharaoh soon
Rule from some golden tomb
Things will be different then
The sun will rise from here
Then I’ll be ten feet tall
And you’ll be nothing at all.

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