Jan 262012

The members of Weezer, and a mass of super fans, recently returned from Weezer Cruise 2012. Yes, a very real, very sincere, and very weird cruise. No irony. After partnering up with Carnival Cruise Lines, Weezer set sail from Miami to Cozumel, January 19-23. The typical cruise amenities were provided, but Weezer boasted unique events like Rivers reading from “The Pinkerton Diaries,” watching Young Frankenstein with Brian, and vow renewals with Scott. Perhaps the true highlight was the lineup of bands, which, along with Weezer, included Dinosaur Jr, Sebadoh, Wavves, the Knocks and many other acts. Continue reading »

Mar 162011

In the Spotlight showcases a cross-section of an artist’s cover work. View past installments, then post suggestions for future picks in the comments!

Everyone has a different favorite Pixies song. “Debaser.” “Here Comes Your Man.” “Where Is My Mind.” “Smells Like Teen Spirit.” Wait – what? Sure, technically the single listed Nirvana as the artist, but Kurt Cobain himself admitted the homage bordered on imitation. “I was basically trying to rip off the Pixies,” he told Rolling Stone. “When I heard the Pixies for the first time, I connected with that band so heavily I should have been in that band – or at least in a Pixies cover band. We used their sense of dynamics, being soft and quiet and then loud and hard.” Continue reading »

Nov 122010

At Cover Me, we like to give stuff away. Read on to learn how that stuff can be yours.

What a treat we have for you today! It’s the biggest giveaway we’ve ever done and, in all likelihood, the biggest we’ll ever do. We’ve got red vinyl! We’ve got blue vinyl! We’ve got CDs! We’ve got hoodies! We’ve got t-shirts! We’ve got a heaping stack of fantastic goodies based around the album New Tales to Tell: A Tribute to Love and Rockets. Read on to find out how you can be one of 20 winners! Continue reading »