Song of the Day posts one cool cover every morning. Catch up on past installments here.

Though “Stand by Me” was originally a solo song, it has inspired many strange duets. Warren Zevon and Stephen King. Sting and Lady Gaga. Timon and Pumpa. But today we bring you a trio. Together at last, it’s Andrew Sky, Andrew Sky, and Andrew Sky! Rocking on a rooftop, the Virginia-based songwriter triples himself for some synchronized Motown snapping.
“Simplicity was key,” Sky tells us. “The bass line is so powerful by itself that I didn’t want to overpower it. I kept in mind some of the best advice I have ever received as a songwriter: don’t say in 10 notes what you can say in three. So, I chose an acoustic guitar and used a trumpet section in the chorus to emphasize the off beats, which are very important to the song.” Continue reading »