Do you ever find yourself struggling to understand all the lyrics to Kate Bush’s “Wuthering Heights”? Now that we have the internet, it’s much easier, but if you heard it on the radio in the ’70s or ’80s, you might have been unsure as to what Bush was singing.
Well, one thing singer-songwriter Jessie Kilguss does on her stripped down cover is enunciate those lyrics. Frankly, I’m not sure I’ve ever heard them so clearly. Kilguss sings in a lower register, too, which is less unique, but she still does a good job of singing the song. She’s joined initially just by guitar. But, as the songs progress, additional instruments subtly join, so that you’re still left with the impression of a stripped down version, but there is actually more to it. (Including a glockenspiel!)
It’s a straight-ahead version, sure. But it’s incredibly clear and quite pretty. Check it out: