Oct 122021
ambar lucid poker face

Our most recent Best Covers Ever (until tomorrow…) counted down thirty killer Lady Gaga covers. Well, maybe we should have waited another month to tackle Gaga. Ambar Lucid, a buzzy Mexican-Dominican singer-songwriter from New Jersey, just performed a knockout “Poker Face” for Grammy.com as part of their “Reimagined at Home” series covering past Grammy Award winners.

The three-piece band gives the pop smash a DIY rock sound in a psychedelic ’60s vibe (completed by Lucid’s Doors shirt). but Lucid’s voice can deliver the big Gaga vocals even in the more spare setting. She even delivers the absurd “bluffin’ with my muffin” rap with conviction – not an easy task. Check it out below, then learn more about Ambar in a recent Pitchfork feature.

Check out many more amazing Lady Gaga covers here.

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