Hi! Ray Padgett here, founder of Cover Me. Excuse the self-promotional interruption from our usual flow of content, but I imagine it’s a self-promotional interruption that anyone reading a site about covers might actually be interested in.
Some of you may have read my first book, Cover Me: The Stories Behind the Greatest Cover Songs of All Time. This new one is a successor of sorts. Not a sequel, exactly. More like a distant blood relative you only see on holidays.
It’s about tribute albums.
It’s part of the 33 1/3 series of short books on classic albums. I used one tribute album, 1991’s I’m Your Fan: The Songs of Leonard Cohen, as an entry point to talk about the strange history of tribute albums more broadly.
Why pick I’m Your Fan out of all the possible tribute albums? Well, for one, you wouldn’t know the song “Hallelujah” without it. It’s one of only a couple tribute albums that has had that concrete an effect on music history (here’s the very brief overview). The entire album has a fascinating story, too: Two French fanzine editors with zero industry connections somehow convinced R.E.M., Pixies, John Cale, and more to record Leonard Cohen songs at a time when Leonard was at his most uncool. In doing so, they resuscitated a fading legend’s career.
I’m Your Fan also serves as a perfect example of the tribute album phenomenon more broadly. If you have a favorite tribute album, chances are it comes up in this book. If you have a least favorite, it probably does too. I interviewed the artists and creators of dozens of tributes, including the late, great Hal Willner, who basically invented the format single-handedly. (His first words when I called him up: “Is it all my fault?”)
The book comes out September 3. If it sounds of interest, pre-ordering it would really help, especially because no one’s going to be stumbling across it on bookstore shelves next month. Here are some links:
Barnes and Noble
A bonus for Cover Me readers: if you pre-order the book and email me some sort of proof, I will send you a private mixtape I made of my favorite other cover of every Cohen song on I’m Your Fan, all newer versions that came out after this album. Think of it like a bonus track to the book. Or, in this case, many bonus tracks.
Thanks for reading, and stay tuned for our Best Leonard Cohen Covers Ever countdown coming in a few weeks.
When you say mixtape is it a tape or cd or virtual?
Good question – digital mixtape (MP3s)
Is it too late for the mixtape?
I’ve emailed you with proof but it didn’t deliver at all then it bounced back:
“We tried to deliver your message multiple times over a few days; however, the person’s destination email provider has not been reachable or has not accepted this message. We have stopped trying to deliver this message. Please check with the person you are trying to send to that they can still receive emails at this address.”
I really enjoyed the book. The biggest frustration with it was the difficulty of hearing the album in the age of streaming—which, of course, you explain in the book, and is not your fault at all. Your linked post—the brief overview—gives some of the songs, but I would love to just put on the album and listen to it from start to finish. Overall, a great book.