Just from the title and photo alone, you already know too much. In a perfect world, the ideal way to hear San Francisco based singer-songwriter Graham Norwood’s stunning take on Kate Bush’s 1988 classic for the first time would be to close your eyes and hit play without any knowledge of Norwood’s name or what he looked like. Then after you were inevitably blown away by the performance you could open your eyes and enjoy the added surprise of of finding out Norwood was the performer.
Though male vocalists have tackled “This Woman’s Work” in the past – most notably neo-soul man Maxwell in 1997 – it is rare to hear it captured it as reverentially and beautifully as this. In the same way hearing Bush herself or Liz Fraser or Anohni can reek havoc with a person’s senses upon initial exposure, so too might Norwood’s performance here. It has the ability to stop you dead in your tracks; it’s that otherworldly.
Check out more Kate Bush covers here.
Amazing. Love this.