Aug 212019
ghost of a saber tooth tiger roky erickson

Sean Lennon has been busy with his other psych-rock duo The Claypool Lennon Delirium of late, but he recently reunited with musical partner Charlotte Kemp Muhl to pay tribute to an obvious influence: Roky Erickson. As The Ghost of a Saber Tooth Tiger (which they often abbreviate to The GOASTT), the two roar through a super-trippy take on the 13th Floor Elevators’ classic “You’re Gonna Miss Me.”

Though they don’t veer too far from the original template, Lennon and Kemp Muhl boost the bottom end for a seriously heavy slab of psych. Kemp Muhl’s ghostly vocals also add a wonderfully ethereal touch. And bonus points for the killer single art. Listen to the song below – then check out Lennon’s recent interview with Marc Maron, which is worth a listen.

Click here to hear other Roky Erickson covers. RIP

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