Playing The Beatles classic “Something” still gives me goosebumps. Originally released on Abbey Road in 1969, George Harrison’s masterpiece was dubbed the best love song in 50 years by none other than Frank Sinatra. Wikipedia mentions over 150 artists who have covered the song (and that’s surely just a fraction). Well, we have a new addition.
Never Shout Never made its name for itself starting in 2007 playing on places like TRL and Warped Tour. So my expectations were low for an emo-ish teen group taking on such an iconic song. Happy to report that they proved me wrong. The remake of “Something” is top notch.
Never Shout Never takes the original recording’s simplicity a step further by stripping out the drum and guitar. The piano and a touch of organ guides frontman Christopher Drew’s voice through this beauty. The tender, slower version of Never Shout Never’s “Something” turns out to be a worthy listen. George would approve.
Check out more Beatles covers here.