I’m not sure there were more great cover songs this year than any other. But there were more good ones.
What I mean by that is, the average quality of the covers we come across in the time we’ve been around has risen, rather dramatically. Whether they’re iTunes homepage singles or some guy emailing us his Bandcamp, more cover songs in 2013 avoid the old pitfalls than ever before. They don’t sound like they were recorded in a cereal box, substitute ear-bleeding volume for actual creativity, or – the worst cover sin of all – try to carbon-copying the original. With the ease of production and distribution available now, artists seemed to record covers only when they felt they had something to add, and do a halfway decent job committing those ideas to 1s and 0s.
Which makes a list like this difficult. There were so many good cover songs to choose from this year. The sheer quantity of contenders seemed overwhelming until we realized, this year good wasn’t good enough.
So we eliminated all the good ones. That narrowed it down quite a bit. What’s left are great.
Start digging on page two. See you next year.
– Ray Padgett, Editor in Chief
My 1st choice is: “All of me” by John Jorge. http://youtu.be/4pyWy0YTJCE
were these in reverse order? I liked them less and less as time went on
I absolutely love Low’s version of Rihanna’s “Stay.” Surprised it wasn’t on the list.
Low’s version of Rihanna’s “Stay.” is wonderful you’re right to suprise not on the checklist.
I’d love to collect all in my website please check it out also ;)
http://www.coverby.net for all cover stuff.