We first rounded up a batch of “Call Me Maybe”s back in the spring, and – surprise surprise – there have been one or two more since (shoutout Obama). We’ve whittled down the best recent additions, the ones worth overcoming your aural exhaustion from summer’s leading earworm to give these a go.
Miracles of Modern Science
Orchestral indie rockers Miracles of Modern Science bring mandolins and fiddle to the game, just as they did for their infectious “Pumped Up Kicks.”
Ben Howard
Another winner from the BBC Live Lounge studios, Ben Howard’s haunting slow-burn brings an unexplained darkness to the song…or it would if he was better at keeping a straight face.
These guys have the viral cover game on lockdown, and mashing up “Call Me Maybe” with “Somebody That I Used to Know” might just make the internet explode. It ends up sounding only kinda-sorta like either, which is a good thing.
Bullet & Snowfox
L.A. dance-rock quartet give a little instrumental oomph to their cover, without losing a bit of the catchy melody.
The Baseballs
Everyone’s favorite German novelty rockabilly covers band (also the only one) puts their James Dean Brylcreem all over the hit, with predictable – and delicious – results.
Check out more “Call Me Maybe” covers here.
The Ben Howard cover is incredible, but you might want to check the video link posted for it. The one up appears to be a Goyte Call Me Maybe mash up
The Gotye/Call Me Maybe mashup is by Pomplamoose. I think they mixed up the labels because there are only 4 videos under a “5 More…” article. Update please??
They definitely missed the Cookie Monster one too… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-qTIGg3I5y8
Five decent covers, I only count 4 covers, and I wouldn’t call them decent (especially the Baseballls version), a crap song remains crap….
Here’s the proper link to the Ben Howard version…
Thanks for catching that formatting error! Fixed.