Cover Me has covered the covers of Catherine A.D. five times in the year and a half since we stumbled across her Bandcamp page. She has taken her quiet balladry to Bon Iver, Lady Gaga and My Brightest Diamond, among others, and she’s back with another stunner.
Fleetwood Mac’s bare and starkly honest “Landslide” leaves lots of room for interpretation, making it a favorite cover for many, including, most famously, Smashing Pumpkins and the Dixie Chicks. A.D. slows this one to a crawl, spruces it up with a wonderful string arrangement, and then adds her soft, quivering voice. When the male backing vocal comes in for the chorus the song hits its peak of muscle-relaxing beauty. Stream the song below.
Check out more from Catherine A.D. at her website or on her Soundcloud page.