Here at Cover Me, we often praise artists for their creativity in coming up with covers, but 18-year-old Floridian indie singer and Town frontwoman Courtney Welbon might have taken the cake with her musical version of one of Shakespeare’s most famous soliloquies. Welbon set Hamlet’s classic “To be, or not to be” monologue to music to memorize it for an upcoming AP English quiz. Little did she know that her clever cover would go viral online.
And it’s not very hard to see why it got so popular. Welbon arranged the music of her energetic rendition with the widely-loved ukulele. Over her lively strums, she crooned the words of the classic Shakespeare soliloquy in a smooth, melodious voice. And even though her cover doesn’t really reflect the mood of Hamlet’s depressing monologue (she acknowledged as much on her YouTube channel), at least she made the lives of AP English students across the country that much easier by making “To be, or not to be” memorizable. Watch her performance below!
Check out more from Courtney Welbon on her Myspace.
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