Would you believe it if we told you we had a cover of a Foster the People song that isn’t “Pumped Up Kicks”? Of course you wouldn’t. And we don’t. We do have, though, one of the finest versions of “Pumped Up Kicks” so far. It comes from Cris Cab, the Miami reggae-pop upstart we previously heard cover “All of the Lights.”
It’s a shame Cab’s “Pumped Up Kicks” didn’t come out a few months earlier, since it would have sounded great on the beach. It’s a little more immediate than the original, replacing the reverb with horns and a smooth backbeat. He adds a new verse too, which doesn’t really change much one way or the other. Assuming you’re not sick to death of the song by now, Cab’s version is just a fun jam that’s hard not to enjoy. Watch the video and download the MP3 below.
Cris Cab – Pumped Up Kicks (Foster the People cover)
Check out more Cris Cab at his website or YouTube.
Hey there! Love this cover, great stuff. If anyone here is looking for more great covers then you should check out this guy’s fbook page: http://www.facebook.com/JeromeGreenMusic
He does lots of great acoustic covers and does a fantastic rendition of Pumped Up Kicks..
Listen, like, enjoy! : )