Brooklyn newcomers Lightouts have only been making music for about a year, but they’ve already appeared twice on these pages, covering the Stone Roses and then the La’s. Their latest cover combines two more well-established artists. They cleverly pair LCD Soundsystem’s “All I Want” with David Bowie’s “Heroes.” Lightouts, the named adopted by duo Greg Nelson and Gavin Rhodes, craft a seamless, energetic cross-generational mashup as the b-side for their new single, “The Eloise Suite.”
The track kicks off with “All I Want” then segues gracefully into “Heroes” before blending the two together. Nelson’s slightly raspy voice lends itself well to the vocals for both covers, though it especially shines on the Bowie track. Lightouts’ cover really soars in its final segment, when the two tracks merge smoothly for an outstandingly catchy finale. Download it below.
MP3: Lightouts – All I Want / Heroes (LCD Soundsystem / David Bowie cover)
[audio: News0811/26AllIWantHeroes.mp3|artists=Lightouts|titles=All I Want Heroes]
Check out more from Lightouts at their website or Myspace.
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