Another week, another indie band squeezes into the A.V. Club’s “small round room” and picks a song from the list of 25 for A.V. Undercover. This week, Telekinesis, aka. drummer/singer Michael Benjamin Lerner and friends, take on Belle & Sebastian’s twee pop classic “Like Dylan in the Movies.” Lerner reports that they had thought of covering “Boxcar” by Jawbreaker, but “that would sound too much like our band.”
Well, Belle & Sebastian may not be as much of a stretch as Wye Oak’s Danzig cover last week, but why question a great performance? The band preserve the overall feel of the tune, but strip it down to basics: guitar, drums, bass and vocal. No reverbed-out piano or glokenspeil required. Watch the video below.
Telekinesis – Like Dylan in the Movies (Belle & Sebastian cover)
Check out more Telekinesis on his website.