Last week, Paper Bag Records released PS I Love You’s squalling cover of Madonna’s “Where’s the Party?” on Soundcloud. The included cover art gave us an inkling something was up, and, intrigued, we tweeted asking them if a True Blue tribute album was in the works. We never heard back…but we were right! Three days later, the label is releasing the full set as a free download to celebrate the launch of their new website. Celebration indeed (whoops, wrong album).
This nine-song song set hit all the classics (“Papa Don’t Preach,” “True Blue”) and the deep cuts (“Jimmy Jimmy,” the aforementioned “Where’s the Party?”). Some of our favorites delivered, including the Rural Alberta Advantage (“Live to Tell”) and Laura Barrett (“La Isle Bonita”). Plus, the recently-dissolved You Say Party poke their heads back up with “Love Makes the World Go Round.” Download a couple sample tracks below, then snag the whole thing at the Paper Bag Records website.
MP3: PS I Love You – Where’s the Party (Madonna cover)
[audio: News0411/18WherestheParty.mp3]
MP3: Laura Barrett – La Isla Bonita (Madonna cover)
[audio: News0411/18LaIslaBonita.mp3]
True Blue Tracklist:
1. Woodhands – Papa Don’t Preach
2. Young Galaxy – Open Your Heart
3. The Acorn – White Heat
4. The Rural Alberta Advantage – Live To Tell (We’re Scared Version)
5. PS I Love You – Where’s The Party
6. Winter Gloves – True Blue
7. Laura Barrett – La Isla Bonita
8. Born Ruffians – Jimmy Jimmy
9. You Say Party – Love Makes The World Go Round