This March, we pit 64 Beatles covers against each other in what we call Moptop Madness.
Yesterday’s winners: Bob Dylan, “Something” and Spiers & Boden, “Run for Your Life”
Some strong contenders today, folks. First, it’s a battle of beauty when Smokey Robinson’s voice in “And I Love Her” takes on Jake Shimabukuro’s ukulele in “While My Guitar Gently Weeps.” Then, things get uglier as Neil Young’s roaring “A Day in the Life” butts heads with Cotton Mather’s trippy “Don’t Bother Me.”
Listen to each pairing below, then vote for your favorite. For added sway, try to convince others to vote your way in the comments. Voting closes in 24 hours.
Smokey Robinson – And I Love Her
Jake Shimabukuro – While My Guitar Gently Weeps
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Neil Young – A Day in the Life
Cotton Mather – Don’t Bother Me
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Click here for the current Moptop Madness bracket. Check back tomorrow morning for the next match-up. Follow @covermesongs on Twitter to make sure you don’t miss any.
I love Smokey’s stuff. Hell, I KNOW Smokey… (sort of. He’s friends with my Grandpa, who’m I’m estranged from by choice, so I’m acquainted with Mr. Robinson at least…), but Jake Shimabukuro had this in the bag for the opening round against 90% of the contenders already!
Meanwhile, “A Day in the Life” is simply the best Beatles song anyway, and Neil does it pretty faithfully which blows Cotton Mather’s dissonant take on that early Harrison gem out of the water.
Jake & Neil. I would put £20 on Neil winning the whole shoot out!