This March, we pit 64 Beatles covers against each other in what we call Moptop Madness.
Yesterday’s winners: Jake Shimabukuro, “While My Guitar Gently Weeps” and Neil Young, “A Day in the Life”
Many days feature a few heavy hitters competing for the title, but today all four artists are relatively unknown (at least in these incarnations). Louisville duo Dirt Poor Robins deliver a rocking “Eleanor Rigby” that faces off against Brian Eno/Phil Manzanera’s one-album project 801 spacing out on “Tomorrow Never Knows.” Then, Brazilian metal band “Dr. Sin” pits their heavy “Doctor Robert” against Georgian songwriter Mark Heard’s light “I’m Looking Through You.”
Listen to each pairing below, then vote for your favorite. For added sway, try to convince others to vote your way in the comments. Voting closes in 24 hours.
Dirt Poor Robins – Eleanor Rigby
801 – Tomorrow Never Knows
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Dr. Sin – Doctor Robert
Mark Heard – I’m Looking Through You
[poll id=”20″]
Click here for the current Moptop Madness bracket. Check back tomorrow morning for the next match-up. Follow @covermesongs on Twitter to make sure you don’t miss any.
801 – try as I have, I cannot get it to play?
Those video embed-disablers strike again! Fixed.
Done! Seems I’m in the minority so far in choosing 801. Perhaps people voted for the only one they could play.
Jim: I HOPE that’s what the case is since I just listened to the 801 cover and it’s FAR better than that annoying stereotypical goth-rock “Eleanor Rigby”. As soon as I read that it was Eno and Manzanera doing “Tomorrow Never Knows” I knew I was in for something special! And, of course, they didn’t disappoint. (Though I still prefer Phil Collins’ out-of-left-field, what-no-he-couldn’t-be-covering-THAT-song-holy-shit-he-actually-IS…-and-wow.-it’s-actually-a-surprisingly-great-cover version of the same song,)
The other two covers are of even quality for me, so I just went with the song I like more itself, “I’m Looking Through You”. Like I said, nothing against Dr. Sin, as they did a very good “Dr. Robert”, I just don’t like that song as much.