A wren rests on a tree branch. A factory spews smoke into the mountain pines. A waterfall cascades over a cliff. If you watched David Lynch’s ‘90s drama Twin Peaks, you may have recognized those as scenes from the show’s memorable intro. You probably also have that haunting theme playing in your head. You may not know, though, that that Grammy-winning score that will likely creep into your dreams tonight, is in fact an instrumental version of another song: “Falling,” by Julee Cruise.
Welsh producer Rod Thomas aka. Bright Light Bright Light recorded his own version of the song, lyrics and all. It recalls the show’s warped darkness, yet takes you somewhere new. After he released it, a fan took the initiative to record new footage of the Washington State areas where Twin Peaks was filmed. We’ve got both the video and MP3 below.
MP3: Bright Light Bright Light – Falling (Julee Cruise cover)
Check out more Bright Light Bright Light at his website or MySpace.
I’ve been rewatching Twin Peaks lately via Blockbuster Online so it’s really cool to hear this. Also, it’s nice that it’s a great cover.