Fifties revivalists have been around since, well, the ‘50s (or at least 1963, when The Beatles covered “Roll Over Beethoven”). The latest retro-lovers to appear on the Cover Me radar are L.A.-based Big Dick. Now their name may, in the words of the mothers of scantily-clad teenagers everywhere, attract the wrong kind of attention, but their music quickly wipes clean any jokes that may run through your mind.
Their new video for Little Richard’s “Rip It Up” showcases their collective talents. Lead singer Kate Flannery throws down the gauntlet with her powerful vocal and manic performance. The rest of the band, anchored by drummer Daren Taylor (also a member of The Airborne Toxic Event), meets the challenge of the song title. Check out the video below. And by the way, do not search Google for “Big Dick Rip It Up.” Please.
You can find more about Big Dick on Facebook.