Ah, Christmas time. Music fills the air, warming hearts with heartwarming stories of family, togetherness, and giving. Or, in some cases, brutal tales of drink and divorce. Yes, this holiday season, every time you think you can’t stand another treacley mall cover of “Silent Night” and “Deck the Halls,” play a new “Fairytale of New York.” That’ll put the cynicism back in your step!
Lord knows you’ve got plenty of versions to choose from. The Pogues’ depressing, beautifully inebriated duet with Kirsty MacColl has become a Christmas classic in its own right. This holiday season, the covers are already pouring in. Here are our three favorites.
• First, YouTube cover man Brett Domino creates another split screen cover with strange instruments…and Alexa Goddard.
• Then, ortoPilot continues his cover-a-day Advent calendar with Friday’s entry, “Fairytale.”
• Finally, a little holiday comedy for ya. An animated Barack Obama and George W. Bush join together at the White House for a good old-fashioned monotone-along. Sick dance moves, Barack!
ortoPilot – Fairytale of New York (The Pogues cover)
Barack Obama and George Bush – Fairytale of New York (The Pogues cover)
Tourette’s Karaoke also did a cover: http://www.testspiel.de/archives/2010/12/13/brett-domino-und-tourettes-karaoke-singen-pogues-covern-the-pogues-fairytale-of-new-york/
Florence & The Machine + Billy Bragg did an excellent cover of this song for the BBC. Also, No Use for a Name with Cinder Block (from Tilt) did a great version as well.