Are you feeling nerdy? I don’t mean, “watch a little Star Trek” nerdy. I mean, “watch lots of Star Trek alone in your mom’s basement dressed in full Jean-Luc Picard circa Season 3 apparel” nerdy. I mean, “working on volume seven of your Dr. Leonard McCoy fan fiction anthology” nerdy. I mean, “stay up ‘til 4a.m. wondering how Klingons pee” nerdy.
Still with me? I’m sorry. You really should consider getting some fresh air. Until you do though, here’s a video to tide you over. It doesn’t get more meme-y than this. The occasion: Penny-Arcade Expo 2010, a gathering for those who find Comic-Con too trendy. The performers: “world’s 579th greatest rapper” MC Frontalot, Dr. Demento favs Paul & Storm, and über-geek songwriter Jonathan Coulton. The songs: Double Rainbow Song (which we’ve heard covered before) and the Bed Intruder Song. It’s really nerdy. And really fun. And really, really, really nerdy.
[youtube Sge8JJfahBs]
Check out more Double Rainbow covers here.
As a geek, I take a great deal of offense to your stereotyped description.
As a fellow geek, I apologize for the offense. Let’s meet on WoW and hug it out.
Hey, love your blog but there’s one thing that bugs me a little about this post. You seem to have credited the Bed Intruder and Double Rainbow songs simply as an internet meme. I kind of feel that this is innacurate, given that they are songs that were written and recorded by an identifiable artist (The Gregory Brothers) before they became memes.
Thanks for all the covers :)