It was only a matter of time. Ever since Cee-Lo Green took over the internet with his bouncing-lyrics “Fuck You” video a week ago, the world has wanted – nay, needed a great cover of the tune. Well, good news world: they’re pouring in. No big-name artist has tackled the tune yet, but you know it’s only a matter of time before the first Live Lounge version surfaces.
Until then, here are the best five covers on the net. For a song that’s only been out eleven days, it’s rounded up some terrific interpretations. Miami artist Tristan Clopet jams it out with a three-piece combo. West coast hippies Weasels exist. go bluegrass, violin, banjo, and all. L.A. songwriter Chester See rocks the solo piano pop. Montana punk Dub delivers the definitive solo guitar screamer. Violin prodigy Eric Stanley busts out an instrumental over some a cappella oohs and aahs. Five very different approaches, all must-hears. Now ain’t that some shit?
Which is your favorite? Sound off in the comments. Listen to the original here.
I think Dub’s actual performance was the best, but I have to give the nod to Weasels exist. for actually doing the whole song since everyone else cut off before the bridge.
<3 Weasels. God damn they put on a good live show.
Holy moly, the original-to-cover timeframe is getting progressively smaller all the time, eh?
Got another version here, for those of you who like your 80s hair metal! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0CS_24WHREA
I give the nod to Penn Jillette and the No God Band. Should be on the list.