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Is Neutral Uke Hotel a gimmick? Sort of. The name gives the game away. Shawn Fogel, slightly better known as Golden Bloom, goes around performing Neutral Milk Hotel’s seminal In the Aeroplane over the Sea on ukulele. That’s it.
Fogel must know he’s playing with fire. In the Aeroplane emotionally resonates with kids the way The Catcher in the Rye did/does (one reason I compared singer Jeff Mangum to J.D. Salinger). As the hostile comments at BrooklynVegan show, fans don’t have much of a sense of humor about this album. Their loss. The results break free of the self-imposed constraints when melodica and trumpet color the barebones recordings. Check out the video and download the MP3 of opening track “The King of Carrot Flowers Pt. One” below.
[youtube bEL3rSmdErc]
Check out more Neutral Uke Hotel at their MySpace.